11 Nov 2023

What to expect when working with Ipsum Wealth

We get it. Finances can be a touchy topic. Some find it stressful and overwhelming to discuss money, where others are excited about the prospect of creating a strong financial future for themselves. Whether you’re in debt and can’t quite see a way out or are trying to add to your growing investment portfolio, we can help you achieve your goals.

While money talk is only a small part of your life, it’s our whole world (well, mostly), and we have these conversations daily. This means that we understand where you’re coming from and are dedicated to making it the best experience possible as we help support you or your business.

Ipsum Advisors is a full-service accountancy, but we also have our side-kick partner Ipsum Wealth who is jointly backed by Partners Wealth Group (PWG). Ipsum Wealth is a financial advisory firm, led by our expert financial planner, Darren Eldridge.

Like Ipsum Advisors, Ipsum Wealth helps you make better decisions about your finances that are in your best interests, not ours. The goal is always to help you get to where you’d like to be financially, regardless of what that looks like for you.

Ipsum Wealth provides several services including (but not necessarily limited to):

  • Financial Planning: map everything from retirement strategies, wealth accumulation, budgeting, cashflow and personal insurances through to succession planning, government benefits and debt structuring.
  • Investment Advice: understand what’s important to you and work in partnership with your accountant (that could be us!) to determine the best investment strategies for you.
  • Financing: help you or your business access lending from a wide breadth of lenders whether you need it for your personal home, a residential or commercial investment property or cash flow for your business.
  • Personal Insurances: find the right personal insurance option for you and your family, so you can be confident that you’re protected if you or your partner are diagnosed with a life-changing illness, injury or pass away.
  • Self-Managed Superannuation: take control of your retirement with your Self-Managed Super Fund and navigate everything that comes along with it.


You can find out more about Ipsum Wealth at ipsumwealth.com.au or get in touch with our team.